
Zobrazují se příspěvky z únor, 2022

(OC) I adopted this kitty yesterday! She’s a 10 year old calico. 🧡

https://ift.tt/vP7eNCM via /r/aww https://ift.tt/yfTpRLj

Pets Sheltering in Ukraine's Metro With Their Hoomans

https://ift.tt/YfheSzE via /r/aww https://ift.tt/rlSUmqG

This is a Damascus goat

https://ift.tt/Yp4oIn9 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/9Ygb38t

Stray dogs and cats are bringing comfort to the soldiers in Ukraine, here is an example. They're called mans best friend for a reason.

https://ift.tt/7Tti3VJ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/QwWYTxe

Show HN: Go 1.18 generic implementations of SliceTricks from the Go wiki https://ift.tt/PTQxrYc

Show HN: Go 1.18 generic implementations of SliceTricks from the Go wiki https://ift.tt/8gM2rLe February 28, 2022 at 11:56PM

(OC) This is supposed to be a fish shaped basket but it is hard to tell with my orange goober in it

https://ift.tt/3f8bpgV via /r/aww https://ift.tt/lOGZWC7

Oh lawd, he thirsty.

https://ift.tt/XGPKqCN via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Tu17SUJ

[OC] my friend Squishy

https://ift.tt/2q0TWcZ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/IPonhjX

Kitty and the auto-feeder

https://ift.tt/cKDHoef via /r/aww https://ift.tt/BRmG8As

Maru blesses this bowl

https://ift.tt/VOJ8FwQ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/xwUgOc1

Ball of Fluff Yawning!

https://ift.tt/Uyc0Yha via /r/aww https://ift.tt/MD3TqcC

Been working a ton lately. 70 hour weeks are the norm. Recently had an interview for a promotion for which over 500 people interviewed for. I found out I got the highest interview score possible and will likely be getting the promotion. I told my wife and came home to this.

https://ift.tt/pRvkP5V via /r/aww https://ift.tt/E1fBPU3

Show HN: REPL-Driven Development for JavaScript https://ift.tt/og780hv

Show HN: REPL-Driven Development for JavaScript Lisp-inspired interactive REPL editor tools for Javascript https://ift.tt/dZWmMSy February 27, 2022 at 08:42AM

Show HN: Asyncc Jobs: a job board to accelerate async work culture https://ift.tt/aeWD4T7

Show HN: Asyncc Jobs: a job board to accelerate async work culture 2 years of remote work has proved us that this isn't the utopia we imagined we will get. There is something more. And that is async work style. I believe async work is the future. That's why I built this job board to accelerate the async work style. Please give me some support and write feedback. Thank you. https://asynccjobs.com/ February 27, 2022 at 05:39AM

This is my long haired mouse, Sawdust.

https://ift.tt/v0wy9PM via /r/aww https://ift.tt/FEehZI7

Show HN: TopHat Finance – free, open, and offline https://ift.tt/eTZatCR

Show HN: TopHat Finance – free, open, and offline https://ift.tt/x9EhHUd February 27, 2022 at 02:11AM

My Irish Wolfhound puppy at puppy class. They’re all the same age! (OC)

https://ift.tt/tA0rM3Z via /r/aww https://ift.tt/yaTZoFW

Show HN: Req, an HTTP Scripting Language https://ift.tt/AocOsNg

Show HN: Req, an HTTP Scripting Language https://ift.tt/0SAByeG February 26, 2022 at 06:51PM

Quite unpleased with the whole situation

https://ift.tt/rkKCoay via /r/aww https://ift.tt/yxXS4TN

Allow me to show you the dance of my people

https://ift.tt/RJ6de2m via /r/aww https://ift.tt/E6B95fc

Show HN: Nomoreinvasion.com – Easy insertable message to support Ukraine https://ift.tt/sDnyFxz

Show HN: Nomoreinvasion.com – Easy insertable message to support Ukraine https://ift.tt/Aqldas5 February 26, 2022 at 03:26AM

Foxes are basically cat software on dog hardware.

https://ift.tt/bvs91ou via /r/aww https://ift.tt/KsuhqwY

My dog got her first set of shoes today.

https://ift.tt/PaQ1JNW via /r/aww https://ift.tt/rL0YGp9

Don't know the name,,,,,This cutie suddenly came out from the jungle. (OC)

https://ift.tt/CYHaTSs via /r/aww https://ift.tt/4exd8DV

Show HN: Create a timeline from Markdown-like text https://ift.tt/vmnJc1Q

Show HN: Create a timeline from Markdown-like text https://ift.tt/dbIolcw February 25, 2022 at 10:52PM

[OC] She is ready to go what a cutie

https://ift.tt/giqJT4D via /r/aww https://ift.tt/FL2XKwC

(OC) An extremely cute danger kitty (ocelot) in Costa Rica last week.

https://ift.tt/tsYTKBm via /r/aww https://ift.tt/MLqeEj4

Show HN: Terminal Based Wikipedia https://ift.tt/am79nJ8

Show HN: Terminal Based Wikipedia https://ift.tt/HdrMPga February 25, 2022 at 09:01AM

Good Doggo doesn't just protect the sheep from the wolves, he protects the sheep from themselves...

https://ift.tt/IxsAKZp via /r/aww https://ift.tt/UrHZq6K

This guy birds.

https://ift.tt/tpbLPen via /r/aww https://ift.tt/dEtFvfJ

Show HN: I wrote a profiler that combines dynamic profiling and static analysis https://ift.tt/hZvf10c

Show HN: I wrote a profiler that combines dynamic profiling and static analysis https://ift.tt/ohKPr1f February 24, 2022 at 08:48PM

Show HN: Programmable network proxy for the cloud, edge and IoT https://ift.tt/G7nC63L

Show HN: Programmable network proxy for the cloud, edge and IoT *Pipy* is an [open-source]( https://ift.tt/PbrMinA ), lightweight, high-performance, modular, programmable, cloud-native network stream processor that is ideal for a variety of use-cases like edge routers, load balancers & proxy solutions, API gateways, static HTTP servers, service mesh sidecars, policy agents, and other applications. https://ift.tt/PbrMinA February 24, 2022 at 03:26AM

[OC] I am cat sitting for my friend. I do it for free. That sucker doesn't know I would pay good money to hang out with her!

https://ift.tt/culkOIe via /r/aww https://ift.tt/fPO3hFl

Cat Hiding in The Bin!

https://ift.tt/RmHUlSZ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Gd2gF1R

This reporter getting interrupted by his mom in the most wholesome way

https://ift.tt/KSLrfkZ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Dw9E8y7

Literally me every morning

https://ift.tt/rp9QAOT via /r/aww https://ift.tt/n9QEvcW

I met the best ever good girl in the pub tonight, really made my day

https://ift.tt/LakoDqM via /r/aww https://ift.tt/jIe50ob

(OC) No way home

https://ift.tt/Ff9VKsW via /r/aww https://ift.tt/h1OmKgI

My dad and his beloved duck that he raised from an egg. 1994 (OC)

https://ift.tt/YskIweJ via /r/aww https://ift.tt/TiAWSVC

Frankie is not a morning cat.

https://ift.tt/Akb7D10 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/5GO0ueR

Show HN: I made an iOS app recording RGBD videos and a webapp playing them https://ift.tt/D93SbrG

Show HN: I made an iOS app recording RGBD videos and a webapp playing them https://ift.tt/YCvMIuJ February 23, 2022 at 04:31AM

Say hello to Schnitzel

https://ift.tt/8UFCumD via /r/aww https://ift.tt/iFo8zqX

Is Maitie allowed in r/aww now?

https://ift.tt/0PVz8le via /r/aww https://ift.tt/gknjaGo

Show HN: Wachy – A UI for eBPF-based performance debugging https://ift.tt/ACd7aRk

Show HN: Wachy – A UI for eBPF-based performance debugging eBPF is an amazing technology that allows safely running user-supplied functions at pretty much arbitrary probe points in a kernel/user space context. Much has been written about how amazing this feature is for kernel observability. But as someone who writes user space code, what I find even more amazing is the support for tracing arbitrary user space programs, with no code changes and low overhead. However, doing in-depth analysis can get complicated and time-consuming. My goal with wachy was to make this debugging significantly easier/faster to use, by displaying traces in a TUI next to the source code and allowing for interactive drilldown analysis. If you get a chance, check out the start of the demo video since (AFAIK) it's quite unique and gives a much clearer idea than I can provide with just text. https://ift.tt/VF6iLes February 22, 2022 at 01:13AM

Show HN: Mappable – raw text to API in 30min https://ift.tt/OafBJNc

Show HN: Mappable – raw text to API in 30min https://mappable.ai/ February 22, 2022 at 02:35AM

Show HN: I rolled my own simple support / Helpdesk SaaS aimed at Indie Hackers https://ift.tt/yrkpCX2

Show HN: I rolled my own simple support / Helpdesk SaaS aimed at Indie Hackers https://ift.tt/PpVXtEW February 22, 2022 at 01:08AM

Show HN: Antique Playing Cards Collection https://ift.tt/TZLWkdH

Show HN: Antique Playing Cards Collection https://ancient.cards February 21, 2022 at 11:23PM

Baby fox getting some scratches

https://ift.tt/X5flJh4 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/pEq2Rae

Just a casual friend

https://ift.tt/qDozdL2 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/sbfOaRP

Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose aggressive players https://ift.tt/PiSNjXB

Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose aggressive players Hello, I'm uberf1sh, software engineer (I've previously worked for Amazon and Fortnite, though obviously none of the following as to do with my previous employers). My cousin introduced me to online poker in 2008 and I loved it instantly, playing $2 games for fun and glory (the same day my aunt also proceeded to warn me that "it all starts like that", oh boy if you knew Tata). I was initially pretty bad but I had fun. Indeed, in 2008 the game was really amazing because it was so chaotic and full of crazy plays, your blood was pumping before even sitting at the table. Fast forward I was able to make $1000 a day in vegas, spending everything on sneakers, restaurants and other unspeakable stuff (you know the drill, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas). 5-8 years ago, things started to take a bad turn. The game slowly but surely became incredibly boring. Most regular players started to all adopt a


https://ift.tt/D7fBWat via /r/aww https://ift.tt/8QBlxVF

Show HN: HyperSudoku – Play Sudoku live with your friends online https://ift.tt/eBqrmIO

Show HN: HyperSudoku – Play Sudoku live with your friends online Hi HN, I built a web-based Sudoku game to play with live with my friends or solo with a timer for practice. Get a game going in a few seconds. I'm excited to finally finish this project and putting it out there, after years of procrastination. Hope you like it! https://hypersudoku.app https://hypersudoku.app February 21, 2022 at 04:23AM

The 'Bodega Cats' Twitter account is full of gold like this...

https://ift.tt/Zgm3ThX via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Rpz9oXS

Our real life Scrappy Doo! (This is Spud)

https://ift.tt/KcR1ZbB via /r/aww https://ift.tt/h39bMi2

When you realize you’re no longer the center of attention

https://ift.tt/wnHe90I via /r/aww https://ift.tt/1f7D03e

Perfect photo booth pic.. i love this.

https://ift.tt/RPbYDok via /r/aww https://ift.tt/5PMTIDc

This kitten recently broke into my house and I didn't know what to do, but now I'm in love

https://ift.tt/XabpJN3 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/d2SI7N4

Show HN: Structured data medical notes via voice recognition https://ift.tt/Fom0EZi

Show HN: Structured data medical notes via voice recognition https://ift.tt/GdI4Wzx February 20, 2022 at 12:08AM

"Can't talk, late for bed!"

https://ift.tt/g1RdSbf via /r/aww https://ift.tt/pkaxRcz

Show HN: Pure CSS Shaders Art https://ift.tt/p47El2T

Show HN: Pure CSS Shaders Art https://ift.tt/eNzFDsE February 19, 2022 at 11:51PM

Show HN: ICON-3D Avatar Creator from 2D Pixels https://ift.tt/OoxI09m

Show HN: ICON-3D Avatar Creator from 2D Pixels Realistic virtual humans will play a central role in mixed and augmented reality, forming a critical foundation for the Metaverse and supporting remote presence, collaboration, education, and entertainment. To enable this, new tools are needed to easily create large-scale 3D virtual humans that can be readily animated. However, current methods need either posed 3D scans captured by expensive scanning equipment or 2D images with carefully controlled user poses. Both of them can't scale up easily. ICON ("Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals") takes a step towards robust 3D clothed human reconstruction from in-the-wild images. This also enables creating animatable avatars directly from video with personalized and natural pose-dependent cloth deformation. Homepage: https://ift.tt/95W3hrO Github: https://ift.tt/78HVTuL Google Colab: https://ift.tt/EkRoK2b... Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZufrPvooR2Q Paper: https:

Unconditional love and friendship ❤️

https://ift.tt/j28Z9PD via /r/aww https://ift.tt/2LiOfBu

What do you guys think his expression means? lol

https://ift.tt/qwuK17r via /r/aww https://ift.tt/Giw3Ezo

Show HN: Curry game that makes you hungry! https://ift.tt/lMTmSaO

Show HN: Curry game that makes you hungry! https://ift.tt/WBx4eXL February 18, 2022 at 11:08PM

The "just adopted" look that Walter the pup has

https://ift.tt/2QISsgK via /r/aww https://ift.tt/SxC9WNk

Show HN: Jimmy – A Gemini Client for macOS https://ift.tt/u0Q1yRA

Show HN: Jimmy – A Gemini Client for macOS https://ift.tt/IUgXt4q February 19, 2022 at 01:02AM

Chubby cheeks and a squishy face. The perfect combination

https://ift.tt/3xC4Hvl via /r/aww https://ift.tt/N8lgLs5

Master of the water sitting comfortably in his throne of ocean

https://ift.tt/6RKPI3E via /r/aww https://ift.tt/MkT5a7P

Cosmo’s 12th birthday!!

https://ift.tt/Z5Jf6U3 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/4Cbp3Yz

Helping out the little kitten to drink water

https://ift.tt/jamgoEk via /r/aww https://ift.tt/6wHtB9D

Old dog enjoys playtime (after new baby goes to bed & she can have mom all to herself again)

https://ift.tt/JPlanMA via /r/aww https://ift.tt/XbPU1mq

little hunter

https://ift.tt/1GPOiA5 via /r/aww https://ift.tt/XYaEV7W